Tuesday, July 10, 2012


     To tell the truth I avoided Pinterest for quite a long time. While it sounded great - all kinds of eye candy to feast on - my daughter Carly had warned me how many hours could become lost once you log on. But one day when I was in need of some quilt inspiration I decided to check it out. Uh-oh, I was hooked. So many great ideas. Soon I had more plans than I could imagine.

     Now, I am quite a procrastinator. (No lie, when my mother was pregnant with me she had her labor induced on July 2nd, but I wasn't born until the 4th.) I have been interested in starting a blog for quite a while. My husband encouraged me to do it. Carly has been writing a blog, and she pushed me to do it as well. When we made the decision to go to Cork, I figured that it was finally time to jump in, but when to start? Before we move? In the middle of packing up our life? When we get there? I have no idea how long it will even take to get internet.

     Then along came "The Pinterest Challenge". It was just the kick in the rear end that I needed to start my blog. I only have one board on Pinterest - "Quilts in Question" I loved the greys in this quilt.

and I adored the "eat, play, sleep, repeat" description of a baby's life.

     When we began "the purge before the pack" my husband found a box of 6 handkercheifs that someone had given him. Since he's not a handkercheif kind of guy he was going to put them in the give away pile when I remembered my pin. Together with some other grey fabrics from my scrap bag they made a sweet little quilt. I had loved the "eat, play, sleep, repeat" quilt from the moment that I had seen it and had thought that would be a fun detail to add.

                               I played around with the squares, trying to find the right layout.

     I normally wouldn't choose grey for a baby quilt. I'm typically more traditional, but last summer I was making a quilt for a friend who was expecting and she was using grey for her nursery. I made this one and was surprised how much I liked it.

    Thanks so much for hosting this challenge and the opportunity to link up. I can't wait to see all the projects. Linking to Young House Love, Bower Power, Centsational Girl, and Ten June.

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