Saturday, August 4, 2012

We have a new home!

Well, it's been a crazy couple of days. Monday we spent the day looking at apartments all over the city. It was a bit insane, driving on the left hand side of the narrowest roads that you've ever seen, trying to obey our GPS navigation system and its crazy commands "turn left","turn right." The apartments were "interesting." It really is amazing how good something can look in an internet listing, and how different it can be in real life! By late afternoon we were pretty discouraged, so we stopped for some caffeine encouragement :)  I love coffee shops with free wi-fi! We decided to widen our search a bit and found a few more promising prospects. One of them agreed to let us see the house that same day. It was sooooo much better than anything else we had seen, and we were desperate to get it.


We filled out the application and left a deposit, and then the waiting games began....See, our furniture was on its way from Lithuania, and the trucking company was e-mailing us with urgent requests for the address to bring our things to. We had lined up a storage unit just in case we didn't have an address by the time they arrived, but that was going to be a huge hassle if we had to go that route. Finally Wednesday afternoon we got a call that the owners wanted to meet us and interview us. They must have liked us because they gave us the okay and we were able to sign the lease and get the keys on Thursday! Then we spent the day waiting for the truck......

.....and when we woke up the next morning - there they were! Then the rush was on to unload our stuff.


Thank God that the truck driver and his wife helped us to unload (a very nice Lithuanian couple.)

It got crowded quite quickly......



 More to come soon.............


  1. Wow! It is so good to hear how God is moving and that things are going well! Love the first glimpse of the apartment too! Can't wait to see/hear more!
    love you!

  2. Congratulations with your new apartment(home), on which floor is it?
    It looks great with the light walls and door, but on a photo you can not see how it really is ofcourse.
    I pray, you will feel home there very soon. I'm looking forward to your photo's of Cork!
    have a nice day.

  3. Congrats on your new home... It looks Great can't wait to see you all settle in...
