Me and Brian at Lecount's Hollow Beach
In the summer Wellfleet has a population of about 20,000, but in the winter it was about
2,000 people.....not much to do.
For the past 11 years I've lived in Vilnius, Lithuania, population 500,000. It's about as different from Wellfleet as you could get. One thing I appreciated about living there was all the events that the city put on year round. There were street music festivals, craft fairs, world food days, many different holiday bazaars, and sport tournaments.
Cork is somewhere in between. The population here is 120,000, but it seems to have a lot going on. Friday the city had a "Night of Culture". They had events going on all over the downtown. Bands were playing all over, art museums were open free of charge, bizarre huge puppet like creatures were dancing, old movies were being was a lot of fun.
Saturday morning we checked out the local farmer's market - I was excited to learn it runs every Saturday year round!
And Sunday there was a community family fun fair in our neighborhood - no pictures of that though!
I've seen advertisements for many upcoming events in Cork. I'm looking forward to them as it's a great way to be able to meet people.