Friday, March 15, 2013

Happy 26!

26 years ago today I married my best friend.

We were 20 years old, thought that we knew everything, ready for adventure and totally in love.

Now, we're 46, thankful that we know anything, amazed by the adventure and still totally in love.

I thank God for giving me such a wonderful man to spend my life with and blessing us with the greatest son, daughter and son-in-law in the world!


  1. Congratulations Kerri, 26 years, don't you think time is going so fast (de tijd vliegt), we are married for 31 years, but it looks like much shorter.

  2. ...and that pictures are made in Zwolle.

  3. Thank you Janny! Yes, time is definitely flying by. Funny that you caught that the photos were made in Zwolle. That was the last one we made of the whole family together.

  4. Congratulations! What a sweet post! :)

  5. Sure is a tired looking group of people! You must not like each other very much!

  6. Well, maybe YOU look tired, I think we look pretty spiffy!
