Thursday, January 9, 2014

Trying to catch up

So, I know that I have been MIA - missing in action - for the latter half of 2013. It's definitely time for a blog catch-up post. So, if anyone is still reading this is what we've been up to lately.

In September we had a team from Belfast. They made the 5 hour drive after work on Friday, got a few hours of sleep, then hit the streets all day Saturday, witnessing and doing music and dramas on the streets. That evening Pastor Alan Taylor preached on healing and prayed for the sick. We had a lot of visitors and saw many pray for salvation as well as healing.

Next up was a team of 14 from our Hyannis, Massachusetts, our home church. It was such a blessing to have them here.  


One of the nights our friend Robin Farnsworth shared her testimony on forgiveness. It was really anointed and powerful. All who heard were touched and encouraged by her words.

We also had some special guests from Holland for a few days while the team was here; Carly and Jason! Carly hadn't been back to the States for several years so it was a treat for them all to see each other again.

We were thrilled that the entire Bartley family was able to come; Mark, Pauline, Marissa, Josiah and Joelle. Keith has known Mark and Pauline since high school and they were the ones who first brought him to church almost 30 years ago.
A few days after the Cape team left a team from Den Haag, Holland arrived.

Once again we were busy on the streets each day. They were able to do dramas and music on the streets and they were a great help in the services.

Next up was a team from Den Bosch in October. Pastor Eric and Kathy Naus have been good friends of ours for years. It was so great that they could bring a team including their 3 teenage children; Nienke, Bram and Jasper.

They have an amazing music group in their church made up of all teenagers. It's called "All of Creation" For 3 days in a row they did concerts on the streets plus concerts at our church. I'm surprised they had any voices left when they went home!

                                             Plus Eric and the guys did a few songs too.
                         The concerts and services were really good and we saw a lot of visitors.

It was a really busy couple of months, but so worth it as we've seen so much happen and new people come into the church here in Cork. We're so thankful for these friends and they're help and investment!

1 comment:

  1. You guys have been busyyyy! Especially when I see it all in a re-cap like that!

    Love seeing the pictures!
    xo Carly
