Friday, May 31, 2013


The team from Groningen was here April 29th through May 4th. That was brilliant scheduling on my husband's part because May 1st was our daughter Carly's due date. Having a team here meant that I was super busy and not constantly checking my phone for news. But on May 3rd we received the best news in the world

Yes, the most beautiful baby in the world was born! Jason Philip Burghard.



I was able to fly there on Tuesday, May 7th, and Keith came on the 9th. It is such an indescribable joy to hold your grandchild. So many memories came rushing back to me. It goes without saying that we are totally "ga-ga" over this little guy. He is a true mix of Carly and Desmond. His hair, eyes and skin tone are from his Daddy, but the shape of his head and facial features remind me so much of Carly as a newborn. I'm happy to report that Mom, Dad and baby are all doing well.  For now we're getting our "Jason fixes" through video-skyping and face-time, but I can't wait to hold him again!

1 comment:

  1. Jason is so lucky to have a Nana like you! So enjoyed having you guys here! xo Carly
