Our next event was a team from Nottingham, UK in March. What an amazingly dedicated bunch of people. After work on a Friday afternoon they loaded into the church van, drove 2 hours to the ferry, spent 1 1/2 hours crossing the Irish Sea, arrived in port in Dublin and then drove 3 hours to Cork. They arrived late at night but got up ready to go on Saturday morning! We fed them breakfast, and had a prayer meeting at our house and then hit the streets. Unfortunately the weather was not the nicest, but they were troopers and we had a great time. Several people on the team sang and rapped and gave their testimonies right on the street.
We took them home to get them warmed up, fed and rested before the concert that evening.
The concert was a great success. We had lots of visitors come out. The music and testimonies were great and almost the entire team performed a very moving drama before Pastor Nick Kyriacou preached and gave an opportunity for people to receive Jesus as their Savior. Several people responded and then stayed afterwards to talk.
With our new friends Pastor Nick and Pam Kyriacou |
We're so thankful for people who are investing in the church here in Cork!
wow, they are so great to be out in the rain! such a blessing to have them come and support you guys! looks like a great time!