Monday, December 31, 2012

Wrapping up 2012

Okay, one last post to wrap up the year. December was fun. Not only did our daughter come to visit but we had an invasion from Belfast, North Ireland. Pastor Alan and Karen Taylor came down with 11 people from the church to help us. They were amazing. They made the 5 hour drive down on Friday night after everyone got out of work, so they didn't arrive until after midnight.

Seven people from the team stayed with us, and since we only have one guest room, these guys had to blow up air mattresses before they could get some sleep in our living room.

The next day we went downtown and hit the streets. The streets were packed with Christmas shoppers so it was a great time to hand out flyers, witness and do some music and testify. Three of them rapped and sang and kept quite a crowd despite the on and off rain.

After a busy day and a quick supper we headed to the community center where we had a Christmas concert. We were so excited to have more than 20 visitors and 5 decisions. We are so blessed to have such great friends who will sacrifice so much to see the church established here. Thank You!!!

For Christmas we drove up to Belfast to celebrate with the Taylor and Sealy families. It was a real treat as our kids are far away and we didn't have any plans in Cork. We had a lot of fun - eating, talking, and playing games. On Boxing Day we didn't go shopping (I heard that the stores were just as insane as Black Friday in the States.) We went for a great walk instead.

Chris and Angela Sealy and their family will soon be moving back to London from Dublin. We're going to miss them, but I know they'll be a great blessing to the church there!

Well, Happy New Year to all of you! I'm excited to see what 2013 will bring.

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year, and its excited to read about so much visitors!
